The Library

We know shopping for furniture online can be overwhelming—but it doesn't need to feel like you're trust-falling into your new piece. We've got plenty of resources, tips, and tools to help you make an informed decision.
Here are a few useful tips and links.
Choosing fabrics.
- Order swatches to experience materials IRL—how colors reflect your décor and shift with the light, the subtle nuances of texture, etc.
- The best fabric for your kids walks you through some of the most important points to consider in order to select the best fabric for your household. The best fabric for your pet teaches you how to find the best match for your furry friend.
- Cleaning your slipcover, an instructional “how-to” and fabric family breakdown, details which materials can be spot cleaned, and what to expect in terms of upkeep.
- Fading 101 is also useful when choosing a fabric with tips on how to avoid accelerated fading when washing your slipcover or if your piece will sit in direct sunlight.

Neva Sectional
shown in
Jasmine Rice, Medium Weight Linen
Measuring (and remeasuring).
- Measuring for delivery takes you through one of the most crucial—albeit less exciting—steps of the order process. It may seem early to get measuring, but the last thing anyone wants is a delivery that can’t fit through your door.
Aria Banquette shown in Warm Oatmeal, Medium Weight Linen
Melo Dining Chairs shown in Quiet Sage, Cotton Canvas
Kai Dining Table shown in Heritage Oak
Melo Dining Chairs shown in Quiet Sage, Cotton Canvas
Kai Dining Table shown in Heritage Oak
Understanding comfort.
- Collection comfort, compared helps identify your “comfort love language,” which you can use to find the piece of your dreams.
- Getting to know your Sixpenny tells you what to expect from breezy, natural fabric slipcovers and fluffy, loose-fill cushions—and how to keep your piece looking its best.
- Inside scoop: Feather Down vs. Poly Fill describes the similarities and subtle differences between our two fill options.

Esmé Chaise Sectional
shown in
Nectarine Dream, Thread-Dyed Cotton Linen
Still have questions? Reach out to our team at hello@sixpenny.com. We’re always happy to help.